Friday, October 13, 2017

The Number 13, Friday the 13th, and the 13th Floor

Except for the number 666, no other number gives rise to more superstitions than does the Number 13. So how did evil become associated with Number 13?

In The Tarot, the Number 13 is associated with the Death card. Anyone getting a reading, after seeing the Death card, might assume that somebody, maybe even the person receiving the reading, will soon die, but that’s not necessarily true. Enlightened readers know that while the death of something or someone is inevitable, death also means rebirth or rising from the ashes – the ending of one thing; the beginning of something else.

In Numerology, the Number 13 becomes the number 4 when the two digits are added together. What does the number 4 mean in numerology? The numbers of the houses in astrology can give us a glimpse. House 4 is associated with family and home, and it strives for security. What are you supposed to learn about home – discipline, cooperation, and love. Scary? No!

Number 13, the first movie directed (and produced, but never shown) by Alfred Hitchcock in 1922 is a bit of a mystery. The obscurity of the movie alone casts a shadow over the number and adds to its intrigue.

Number 13, a TV movie made in 2006, assumes that a lack of the number 13 contributes to the superstition about the number 13.

The 13th floor, often missing from many high rises, contributes even more allure to the mystery of the number 13. Numerous movies include the 13th Floor in their title and the 13th floor is a staple in many haunted buildings just waiting for visitors to explore.

The date itself, Friday the 13th, is filled with predictions of catastrophes. However, nobody has ever proven the validity of such predictions. It’s just another day. So far!

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