Friday, February 25, 2011

Sex With a Ghost – Spectrophilia

If you're one of those people who is looking for love in all the wrong places, perhaps you haven't checked out the spectral realm. Apparently a number of people are finding that ghosts make amazing sexual partners.

Why be alone when you can have a partner who 1) won't tell you what to do, and 2) won't complain about the way you clean house, wear your hair, or drive a car? Compared to humans, ghosts offer the relationship challenged another way to engage without actually having to commit.

I've heard of expanding my horizons when it concerns dating, but I thought that meant I should expand the age span of people I might consider dating. I never thought of looking at ghosts as potential partners.

To be fair, if I had a lost loved one due to death, I might want to keep him around, but even then, I don't think anybody would accuse me of having Spectrophilia. I prefer human contact.

If you are interested in learning about Spectrophilia, and want to read about one woman who purportedly was raped by a ghost, along with some pretty convincing evidence, please read

Spectrophilia – Ghostly Encounters of the Sexual Kind.

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Would Visual Hallucinations Explain Ghostly Apparitions

How can you explain hallucinations to somebody who has never before seen them? Are ghosts hallucinations?

Some people think they are, but if hallucinations distort your vision and your other senses, what explains the fact that no distortion takes place when people who purport to see ghosts make no mention of the fact that everything else around them remains the same?

Hallucinations involve the apparent perception of something that is not present, while apparitions mark the appearance of something remarkable or unexpected. Apparitions, in this context, are not hallucinations.

Everybody who knows me knows I believe in ghosts. Like the cowardly lion in the movie version of The Wizard of Oz, I can't help but remember the mantra – I do believe in ghosts – I do believe in ghosts – I do – I do.

Though I have never seen a ghost, I have heard one and I have felt his presence. I have also felt the presence of another spirit. My mind is open to the possibility that other people experience phenomena I have never come close to experiencing.

A woman I once knew, for example, claimed that fairies lived in her garden. This woman was not crazy and, in fact, was one of the most loving and most sane women I had ever met. Though I had never seen fairies myself, I believed her.

I don't think people who see ghosts are hallucinating. If I can hear them, but not see them, what's to say that somebody else can see them, but not hear them – or see them and hear them. The visitations occurred only twice to me. The experience was so frightening, I never wanted to be in the company of ghosts again, but I don't dismiss others who believe they have felt the presence of a ghost.

If you have ever wondered what it feels like to experience hallucinations without the use of drugs, I invite you to read Hallucination – The Ability To See What Isn't There. And if you see any ghosts during the hallucination, I want to hear about it.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Shared Dreams

Dreams have always fascinated me. Though they sometimes distort "reality," they often feel as real as wakefulness.

Over the years I've wondered: when we sleep and when we dream, do others who are sleeping and dreaming, enter our dreams and experience the same dreams we are having, but from their own perspectives? Do others have access to our dreams through some dream portal?

When my oldest daughter, Keeley, was 2 years old, she walked into my bedroom and asked me why I was dreaming about bears. Never one to talk in my sleep,  I wondered how she could know I had been having a nightmare about bears.

Perhaps the strangest experience I've heard, as concerns dreams, happened to a friend of mine and her sister. Unbeknown to each other, they had shared the same dream. Repeatedly. Though they never discussed the dream with each other, on separate occasions, they related their ongoing and frightening nightmare to me.

This dream experience is probably the most fascinating shared dream I've ever heard. I invite you to read When You Dream The Same Dream As Somebody Else.

I would also appreciate hearing about your own unusual dream experiences. Reach me here:

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