Why be alone when you can have a partner who 1) won't tell you what to do, and 2) won't complain about the way you clean house, wear your hair, or drive a car? Compared to humans, ghosts offer the relationship challenged another way to engage without actually having to commit.
I've heard of expanding my horizons when it concerns dating, but I thought that meant I should expand the age span of people I might consider dating. I never thought of looking at ghosts as potential partners.
To be fair, if I had a lost loved one due to death, I might want to keep him around, but even then, I don't think anybody would accuse me of having Spectrophilia. I prefer human contact.
If you are interested in learning about Spectrophilia, and want to read about one woman who purportedly was raped by a ghost, along with some pretty convincing evidence, please read
Spectrophilia – Ghostly Encounters of the Sexual Kind.
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